Today, I decided to indulge in a little parkrun tourism and headed to Meadowmill; although I suspect it doesn't really count when the run you attend is almost exactly the same distance from your front door as the one that you have arbitrarily decided is your home event, but that's a minor technicality. Both Vogrie and Meadowmill are about 10 minutes drive from my front door; it's simply a matter of choosing to turn left or right when I get to the end of my road. Today, I turned right...
Meadowmill isn't as scenic as Vogrie, but it is flatter (although with two short but fairly sharp climbing sections that have to be done twice on account of it being two laps.
My time was a health 33:02, so no complaints on that front and I was the 59th finisher out of a field of 81, which was also quite reassuring.
The coffee and the cake in the cafe afterwards were also very welcome and definitely hit the spot...

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