- 1 x half marathon
- 3 x 10 miles
- 17 x 10k
- 57 x 5k
- numerous other shorter runs.
Being a bit of a stat fanatic, for me it's been fascinating watching the distances covered and the time spent running increase as the year has progressed; from running my first 5k in June, all the way up to my first (and to date, only) Half Marathon in November and all the landmarks in between such as:
- My first Parkrun
- The Edinburgh Race For Life
- My first 10k
- My first sub-30 minute 5k
- My first 10 miles
- The Edinburgh Men's 10k
None of these even crossed my mind as being possible when I laced up mt running shoes back in March and restarted the plan; I genuinely would have been happy to have known that I was going to get to the point of being able to run for 30 minutes.
There is still at least one more running day left in 2019, so hopefully I will break the 100k for the month for the third time before December ends.
In the mean time, I wish anyone reading this health and happiness and many more miles in 2020.
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