It was still light, dry and, by the standards of the last week, reasonably pleasant when I left the house this evening. 45 minutes later, it was dark, I was soaked to the skin and chilled to the bone.
Monday night may be my "long run" night, but I wasn't staying out in that for one second longer than I absolutely had to, so when the 5k mark brought me to the end of my street, one very quick cool-down walk (not that I really needed any further cooling later), and I was happy to call it quits for the evening.
I think I can safely say I have never been so happy to get out of my running stuff and into the shower as I was tonight (and I say that as someone who got caught outside in a thunderstorm back in August).
Generally, I don't mind a bit of rain when I'm running, but when it's being driven horizontally into your face by a storm force wind that sprang up out of nowhere just as you reached the furthest away point on your route from home, then I think it's possibly a wee bit too much.
Ah well, hopefully Wednesday will be more clement...

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