The big advantage was quite simply that it early afternoon, instead of my usual after work run, and the paths were deserted. I encountered one other runner heading in the opposite direction to me as I joined the railway path, and a dog without its walker just as I was running down the hill back into the village, but other than that, there wasn't a soul (other than the wildlife) to be seen.
I do enjoy running in solitude. In just over a week it'll be the anniversary of me starting the Couch to 5k programme. As I started running further, and longer, I enjoyed watching nature come back to life after winter and the lengthening of the evenings as we headed towards the spring equinox. After all of the recent storms and bad weather, today actually felt somewhat springlike; helped I suspect, by running in the full glare of lunchtime rather than last rays of evening.
All my running this month is in preparation for the Winton 10k Trail on Saturday 28 March. It will be interesting to see what distance I accumulate between now and then...

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